Tuesday 22 October 2013

Macadamia Flawless- Initial thoughts

My hair is naturally very curly and therefore very dry. For some unknown reason however, I decided to go from my natural dark brown to super fake bleach blonde last year. I've since come to my sense and returned to the dark side, with a fairly subtle ombre. Unfortunately the damage was done and my naturally very dry hair has at times become straw like, unmanageable and often matted.

When I first read about cleansing conditioners I thought this would be perfect for me. Cleaning your hair without any of the harsh chemicals found in shampoo and generally giving it a big old dose of conditioner. Then I saw this much talked about Macadamia flawless set on offer over at feel unique for just under £22 and well  it didn't take long until that baby was mine.

But I have to admit, I really don't know what I think of it!

Its a bit like a mousse and a lot like shaving foam, you massage it in to wet hair and rub it in for a good five minutes. I then left it as I wanted a good condition and after all my shaving was done washed it out. I then combed my hair through which I usually do when its got conditioner still in, and it did brush through fairly easily. I did test it on some pretty greasy, unbrushed hair so I didn't expect the comb to glide through.

I then blow dried my hair, the flawless claims to reduce drying time and although I do think this is true it wasn't much quicker, so don't expect miracles on this. My hair was however bouncy, light and squeaky clean. I did feel a bit odd at this point as I missed that really lathery, clean feeling you get with traditional shampoo. But I have to admit my hair looked lovely and clean. It also lasted longer than usual with just a few sprays of dry shampoo and did feel beautifully soft.

I have since used a normal shampoo to get that lathery clean feeling I missed when using the flawless, but I definitely will be giving it another go, perhaps I should use this continuously for a while and see how clean my hair is by the end.

Would that be a post you'
d like to read, "Life with only Macadamia Flawless?"

Current Skincare

After years of thinking I had dry skin, I've been re educated and found out it is dehydrated so here is what's helping me re-hydrate my face.

It was the Clarins counter that caught my eye in my local John Lewis, mainly due to a love of their melting gel cleaner. After a quick discussion with the lovely sales assistant, who helped me realise I am more dehydrated than dry. She pointed me in the direction of their Hydra Quench range. As its name suggests its aimed toward dry, dehydrated skin so perfect for me! 

I decided on the cream for normal to dry skin and as Clarins now have all their Christmas gift sets in store, I bought the Hydra Quench gift set and received a full size cream, the serum and the face mask all of the same range for the same price as the cream £34.

So far these products are really helping change the texture of my skin and seriously improving the way make up applies and how long it lasts. 

I firmly believe good skin care is worth investing in, but it seems educating yourself on what you really need is also super important.

What do you suggest for dehydrated skin?

An introduction.


I'm Heidi and after religiously reading blogs for the last year or so, I've decided to start my own.

I love all things beauty and have my own spin on fashion so there will be a lot of that here, but I'm also an avid baker and studying for an English degree so expect the odd baking post or book recommendation.

I hope you enjoy!